The two birds who are the centerpiece of the exhibit are Rita & Roxbury and they are both from A Helping Wing Parrot Rescue in Blairstown, NJ.
Both are macaws - which are native to Central & South America.
They receive a balanced diet of fresh foods - including apples, zucchini, grapes, carrots, pumpkin, kale, sprouts, nuts - all mixed together. Variety is particularly important and a crucial part of the parrot diet. For dried food they get an organic pellet mix which includes goodies such as pellets, nuts, dried fruit.
Rita & Roxbury both females and are estimated to be about 15-20 years old. They’re still essentially, teenagers, though as macaws can live up to 80 years old. That’s human years (not dog years). A large portion of the birds in our rescue are there because they simply outlive their owners. We have birds in their 50s and 60s who are still going strong
Both CAN speak - Roxbury both English AND Spanish - but, like shy children - they speak when they choose to.